Ep. 35 | Generational Curses pt.1

Wassup Church! Today is the first part of a two part series on Generational Curses. I am so blessed to be recording these with Cesar and Adam Ochoa. If you are a follower of this podcast then you will know how important these two amazing men of God have been in my life and how much they have meant to my walk with God. 

Cesar is an author and has recently published and amazing book called

"When God Says Go He Is Saying Come with Me: My Journey into Discovering God's Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Super-Natural Power"

here is the link for the book as well...

For more awesome episodes of WassUP Church check out the website at wassupchurch.trasistor.fm

Until next time,
Ep. 35 | Generational Curses pt.1
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