Ep. 1 | What is this thing!?

Well, this is weird. Welcome to the Wassup Church Podcast. In this episode I really try to explain the reason for the podcast and why it even matters to me. I want everyone who joins me on this audible journey to understand my heart and my motivation for what I am talking about. I truly mean it when I say this whole thing is a tool for me to get closer to God. I hope you understand and I hope this inspires you to get closer to God for yourself in whatever way moves the needle. Ekklesia - By Dr. Ed Silvoso https://www.audible.com/pd/Ekklesia-Audiobook/B06ZYDF6LD?qid=1673478011&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=EDYPQAZWJ71SX2Z448G7&pageLoadId=Mz09j9E4se6HPVTr&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c  God bless and enjoy the podcast! https://anchor.fm/wassupchurch/subscribe follow this link to subscribe for ad-free listening for just $4.99/mo Please feel free to reach out with comments, questions, what have you to my email address wassupchurch@gmail.com I am kinda sorta doing social media, so feel free to catch me at the following Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088948252731 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wassupchurch/ I don’t really feel the need to be on social media much. Like I said, this podcast isn’t for followers as much as it is my tool to get closer to God and help me build my relationship with the Holy Spirit. So, if you are wanting me on platforms that aren’t listed here, you might be waiting a while. Music By: RAANBAC – “Epic Dramatic Action Trailer” https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-epic-dramatic-action-trailer-99525/ AlexGrohl - Electronic Rock (King Around Here) https://pixabay.com/music/beats-electronic-rock-king-around-here-15045/

Well, this is weird. Welcome to the Wassup Church Podcast. In this episode I really try to explain the reason for the podcast and why it even matters to me. I want everyone who joins me on this audible journey to understand my heart and my motivation for what I am talking about. I truly mean it when I say this whole thing is a tool for me to get closer to God. I hope you understand and I hope this inspires you to get closer to God for yourself in whatever way moves the needle.

Ekklesia - By Dr. Ed Silvoso


God bless and enjoy the podcast!

https://anchor.fm/wassupchurch/subscribe follow this link to subscribe for ad-free listening for just $4.99/mo

Please feel free to reach out with comments, questions, what have you to my email address


I am kinda sorta doing social media, so feel free to catch me at the following





I don’t really feel the need to be on social media much. Like I said, this podcast isn’t for followers as much as it is my tool to get closer to God and help me build my relationship with the Holy Spirit. So, if you are wanting me on platforms that aren’t listed here, you might be waiting a while.

Music By:

RAANBAC – “Epic Dramatic Action Trailer”


AlexGrohl - Electronic Rock (King Around Here)


For more awesome episodes of WassUP Church check out the website at wassupchurch.trasistor.fm

Until next time,
Ep. 1 | What is this thing!?
Broadcast by